Gender Equity in Certified Chains – Certified Coffee, Tea and Cocoa: Making it work for all – expert meeting

Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), HIVOS, Oxfam-Novib and Solidaridad kindly invite you to an expert meeting: Certified Coffee, Tea and Cocoa: Making it work for all.


How do poverty reduction, social responsibility and gender equality help businesses to perform better? What good practices are out there and how can we learn from them?


Since 2009, the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), HIVOS, Oxfam-Novib and Solidaridad have been collaborating to improve gender equity in certified coffee, tea and cocoa value chains through building and sharing knowledge and capacity amongst key stakeholders. The time is now ripe to engage better with the private sector and standard-setters to progress further on these issues.

Objectives of this event

  • To share findings of the 3-year Global Standards Initiative
  • To explore the opportunities/challenges that businesses face in relation to gender
  • To stimulate new thinking from the business and standard-setter perspective on how gender equity can be addressed
  • To get gender on the business agenda in practical ways, mapping out actions both to progress on the issues and as to how business, standard setters, certifiers, NGOs, and knowledge institutes, can better collaborate.

Useful links

KIT Information Portal Gender Equity in Certified Chains 

Community on Gender Equity in Certified Chains