- In 2023, revenue in North America increased by over 125 percent, moving from 2.6 million euros in 2022 to 5.8 million euros in 2023, while significantly reducing financial dependence on other Solidaridad entities.
- In a breakthrough year, Solidaridad North America secured contracts and implemented projects with four of the largest donors globally, including USAID, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Walmart Foundation, and Cargill.
- High profile speaking engagements at OECD and Climate Week NY, as well as the presentation of the Small Farmer Atlas and the impact platform PING at USAID, enhanced Solidaridad’s visibility and reputation as an innovator and leader in the complex arena of climate change solutions and the first mile of supply chain sustainability.
Fundraising, Partnerships & Engagement

The North America team carried out a wide range of activities, from rolling out partnerships and projects, strengthening the implementation of ongoing projects, developing new innovations, and cultivating new partnerships with donors and stakeholders to advance impact.
Sustainability Solutions
In close collaboration with the teams in Latin America and Southern Africa, the North America team contributed to the development of gender assessments and resulting gender inclusivity strategies for the Amazonia Connect project and Kvuno, the digitally-driven service provision model incubated by Solidaridad in Southern Africa.
Climate & Locally-Led Adaptation
North America’s Climate Change and Green Growth Specialist supports the Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Thematic Learning Group, focusing on Locally-Led Adaptation (LLA) and climate finance. Through this work we are participating in the Global Community of Practice for LLA, along with other organizations who have endorsed the 8 principles of LLA. Our specialist also participates in the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) community of practice within Solidaridad, with a strong focus on the climate-gender nexus. Supporting Solidaridad’s Payment for Ecosystem Service (PES) Unit, the NAM team participates in the PES Steering Committee and is working with the team on fundraising efforts to scale climate action through PES.
Organizational Results & Development
As a 501(c)3 registered in California focused on delivering fundraising, technical support and partner and project management services to our colleagues and partners globally, the North American team works remotely across the United States and Canada, optimizing access to partners, donors and events in the region.
In November 2023, we welcomed Barbara Stinson to our Continental Supervisory Board, bringing deep insight on the North American donor market, and injecting energy and guidance into our growing funding and business development efforts. In January 2023, Managing Director Michaelyn Baur moved to a full time role, after wrapping up 11 years of leading the successful strategic development of Solidaridad’s Central America, Mexico and Caribbean region.
Human Resources
In 2023, Solidaridad North America mobilized additional communications and project coordination support through contractors, while maintaining a staff of 6.5 FTE. Prioritzing diversity and inclusion, we have made a commitment to have a minimum of 30 percent of our staff be from minority or underrepresented groups, which has been achieved within our current staff structure & will be emphasized in our growth targets. Additional support is secured through part-time consultants, interns, membership with Connective Impact, and Bid Boss, a consulting firm providing strategic financial management support for Amazonia Connect and other US Government grants.. Legal support is provided by TrustLaw, Mintz, and audit support by Baker Tilly.
As contracts in the pipeline are secured, we envision increasing staff to balance project management roles with fundraising goals, as the current rate of proposals won and subsequent project management time of the team is reducing the fundraising and business development efforts.
The team continues to optimize the use of our internal data and financial system Plaza for agile proposal development and project management.
In 2023, the bulk of communications from North America focused on successful implementation of the communications strategy for Amazonia Connect, and guiding the development and launch of the Small Farmer Atlas. The Atlas, Cocoa Barometer, Coffee Barometer, Solidaridad’s climate work, and new partnerships were covered by various external media outlets in 2023, including the Guardian, Sustainable Brands, Food Tank, Confectionery News, Daily Coffee News, Barista Magazine, and Foodprint.
Amazonia Connect
The Amazonia Connect initiative was rolled out publicly on the Solidaridad website in English and Spanish. Over the course of the year, four globally relevant explainer pieces on Low Carbon Agriculture and Agroforestry, Traceability and Transparency, Carbon Credits and Carbon Markets for Smallholders, and Jurisdictional Approaches to improve Low-Emission Rural Development provided context for the key aims of the intiative, and a series of short videos were developed in English, Spanish, and Portuguese explaining the project’s goals and activities in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru.
Small Farmer Atlas

Solidaridad North America played a critical role in delivering the Small Farmer Atlas (www.smallfarmeratlas.info), a first-ever effort to delve into the perspectives and priorities of small-scale farmers and understand their perspectives on sustainability. The end result was a 108-page report (produced as a PDF and hardcover book), an interactive website, a data dashboard where users could explore the results in greater detail, and a campaign to roll out the report on a global scale.

The Amazonia Connect consortium held its first Pause and Reflect Session (PRS) in Lima in June 2023. The four-day long in-person workshop provided the consortium the opportunity to celebrate its successes from the first year, take stock of lessons learned, strengthen collaboration among consortium members, and consolidate implementation plans for the duration of the project. The consortium also organized their first project launch event in May 2023 in Colombia, followed by a learning event in November 2023 in Brazil.
Solidaridad North America also participated in two panels at Climate Week 2023 in New York City. One panel was hosted by the We Mean Business Coalition, and the other by Transform to Net Zero. The panels offered us the opportunity to talk about climate justice and a just transition, in particular the potential for small farmers and miners to contribute to achieving the Global Goals.
Solidaridad North America also organized a side session at the annual spring OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains in Paris, the leading event globally for the responsible minerals space. Panel speakers discussed the importance of an incentives-based approach when asking actors in minerals supply chains – in particular small-scale miners – to improve their practices. An incentives-based approach rewards positive behavior rather than punishing less desirable behavior. The panel, which included representatives from Solidaridad, Canadian NGO IMPACT and Intel, was followed by a discussion with the at-capacity audience.
Annually, the North American team reviews and accepts Solidaridad’s global Code of Conduct and Whistleblower Protocols, as well as updates to our Human Resources and Financial Management Manuals. We practice transparency in all interactions / transactions, and address ethical management issues in our team calls to ensure accountability and sharpen our integrity programming. Due to our small team, we seek support from our colleagues globally to provide access to Integrity Advisors and Persons of Trust. In 2023, there were no integrity issues to report. In 2024, we plan to re-engage the entire team with integrity-related training based on our global policies and procedures in collaboration with Solidaridad Europe.
Inclusivity, especially gender, is one of the main cross cutting issues for sustainability in development. Solidaridad North America takes actions related to strengthening institutional capacities to incorporate inclusivity in current and future projects:
- Be part of the Inclusivity Community of Practice (CoP) and participate in activities as planned, including an annual survey to measure institutional needs and commitments around inclusivity.
- Provide orientation to staff members and colleagues to apply inclusivity in current and future projects.
- Support our colleagues globally in the design and implementation of gender inclusivity analysis and reports at project / programme level to build robust baselines and impact measurement guidelines and tools for reporting, learning and continual improvement of gender – related programming.

The financial figures for Solidaridad North America have been restated for the global aggregated Solidaridad annual report to follow the principles of IFRS and to be consistent with the approach followed in other Solidaridad regions. These figures will differ from the US reporting which follows US GAAP and has a different approach to revenue recognition
All information above is pending the auditing process. The full audited annual statements of 2023 will be added as soon as they are available.