We shared lessons from years of implementing rural service centres with Ghana’s COCOBOD to drive service delivery by small and growing businesses. In Liberia and Sierra Leone, we contributed to national cocoa platforms as well as policy and regulatory arrangements for the sector. We helped establish the first roundtable to secure favourable land tenure arrangements for cocoa farmers in Ghana. And about 1,600 trained youth received support to establish 789 hectares of cocoa farms.

Solidaridad West Africa trained 330 miners, including 140 women, in responsible mining practices. This resulted in increased adherence to health, safety and environmental rules and responsible mercury use. In five mines, Solidaridad piloted the CRAFT voluntary technical code to prepare artisanal small-scale mines for the international market and to meet Fairmined standards. Solidaridad deepened its thought leadership by contributing policy recommendations and key insights on good mining practices at seven regional and international conferences and other events.

We supported four oil palm multi-stakeholder platforms in Côte d’Ivoire and strengthened our relationship with the Federation of Oil Palm Farmers’ Cooperatives. The Oil Palm Development Association of Ghana received support to perform optimally. National advisory committees in Nigeria and Ghana were established to guide the implementation of climate-smart oil palm interventions. In Liberia and Sierra Leone, national oil palm platforms benefited from Solidaridad’s knowledge and insights of the RSPO national interpretation process.