Commodity: Coffee
Cultivating Change: Celebrating the stories of small-scale farmers & workers around the world
When you work with more than one million small-scale farmers, miners and workers across 40 countries, it results in a…
22 December 2023
Coffee farmers in Colombia receive payments for carbon sequestration
The criticism of CO2 compensation programmes continues unabated. The market is full of fake certificates, as reported by ZEIT and…
18 December 2023
How &ranj Helped Turned Agroforestry into a Game that Everyone Wins
One of Solidaridad’s goals is to make sure that carbon markets and low-carbon agriculture work in favor of smallholders. This…
11 December 2023
RECLAIM Sustainability! 2022 Progress Report
The RECLAIM Sustainability! programme is a consortium of Solidaridad, TrustAfrica, Fairfood and Business Watch Indonesia, in strategic partnership with the…
13 November 2023
The Carbon Farming Academy, a learning programme developed by Solidaridad and Rabobank, provides training opportunities to producers, field officers, and…
23 October 2023
How monitoring and traceability tools contribute to conservation
Popular global commodities such as coffee, palm oil, and beef are closely tied to deforestation. As our need and desire…
19 October 2023
Rural Woman Coffee Farmer Leads the Way in Tanzania
For many rural women, building a successful business can be a struggle due to limited access to resources. Suzan Malya,…
13 October 2023
Lobbying and advocacy help to develop agricultural value chains
Coffee production in Honduras relies on the development of sustainable and inclusive value chains. The country is a world leader…
29 September 2023
Carbon Credits and Carbon Markets: Unlocking Benefits for Smallholder Farmers
From massive wildfires and unpredictable rainfall to worldwide heat waves, the effects of a changing climate are impossible to ignore.…
15 September 2023
Coffee Barometer 2023
The new Coffee Barometer 2023, an in-depth report on the state of sustainability in the coffee sector, reveals some worrying…
14 September 2023