Commodity: Fruit & Vegetables
Annual Report 2022 Out Now
Amidst increasing polarization and a fragmenting world, we continue to see progress and the impact of Solidaridad’s work in making…
12 May 2023
Small Farmer Atlas, 1st Edition
Solidaridad’s Small Farmer Atlas is a comprehensive satisfaction survey based on the input of 10,000 small-scale farmers in 18 countries…
04 May 2023
Improving food security, chasing out hunger in Sierra Leone
Situated on the southwest coast of West Africa, Sierra Leone is a country where two-thirds of the population is directly…
02 May 2023
Decent work: Solidaridad’s track record and expertise
From Fair Trade to the global RECLAIM Sustainability! programme, Solidaridad has a strong track record of promoting decent work across…
01 May 2023
Zambezi potato farmers improve yields in demo programme
In partnership, Solidaridad and Wageningen University & Research implemented a potato demonstration in Mozambique’s Zambezi Valley. The programme, funded by…
01 March 2023
South Africa is marred by the triple challenge of inequality, poverty and unemployment. As the country works to recover from…
18 January 2023
Amidst increasing polarization and a fragmenting world, we continue to see progress and the impact of Solidaridad’s work in making…
31 December 2022
Bayer, Solidaridad renew alliance to rollout Red Emprende Rural project in Colombia and Costa Rica
‘Red Emprende Rural’, a new project from Bayer and Solidaridad, endeavors to provide 500 small-scale producers in Colombia and Costa…
29 December 2022
Putting youth employment and entrepreneurship at the centre of agri-sector development
Young people are essential to economic development and food security in East, Central and Southern Africa as they make up…
03 October 2022
Solidaridad start-up Ecoban awarded for its contribution to the circular economy
Ecoban, a start-up created by Solidaridad, Agrofair and the Banana Cluster, has found a comprehensive solution for dealing with plastic…
26 September 2022