Commodity: Soy
CONO helps to improve agricultural practices in India
The first global certification of Roundtable on Responsible Soy (RTRS) was recently awarded to farmers in India. This comes after…
20 August 2014
Major breakthrough in producing responsible soy in China
Large soy farms in China will start working together with Solidaridad towards the first responsibly produced soy in China. It…
Round Tables: Working together towards sustainable supply chains
More and more companies work together with non-governmental organizations, like Solidaridad to improve the social and environmental supply chains of…
South America: New developments on training and certifying soy family farmers
Since 2009, Solidaridad South America has been working with more than 800 soy family farmers in South Brazil by supporting them…
Responsible soy reaches first million tons
In January 2013 the Round Table on Responsible Soy Association (RTRS) reported on its 2012 achievements. During the second year of…
Asia: Top soy producer China host RTRS conference, for the first time
On 28 and 29 May, China is hosting the Roundtable of Responsible Soy (RTRS) annual conference under the theme; “Building…
Brazil Farmers’ Union signs partnership to promote soybean certification
A Farmers’ Union that represents more than 1000 producers in the Western State of Bahia, in Brazil, signed a partnership…
South America: Uphill battle for responsible soy, as demand grows
Due to its high protein values and efficiency, soybean has become the number one source of protein for feeding cattle…
Promotion of responsible soy in India leads to huge benefits
An impact study by the independent Indian consultancy MART shows that a three year producer support to soy smallholders in…
Responsible Soy: First Brazilian family farmers achieve certification
The first group of family farmers in Latin America to be certified for responsible soy by the Roundtable on Responsible…