
For sugarcane to be produced sustainably, its growers and cutters must work in safe conditions and receive a fair income. It also means limiting the impact of production on the environment. With so many potential uses – from food to fuel, and paper to plastics – many of us come into contact with sugarcane on a daily basis
Improving water efficiency and sugarcane farmers’ livelihoods in India Read featured story


farmers and workers trained to adopt good practices


hectares under sustainable management


factories, estates, and processors supported to adopt good practices


Unsafe conditions and inefficient practices

Addressing social and environmental issues around sugarcane production and processing requires everyone along the value chain to act. Only then will sugarcane gain popular support to fulfill its promise as the crop of the future.

An estimated 15 million sugarcane cutters work to produce our food, fuels and paper. Cane cutters are often under-paid and have received little  education. Forced and child labor are common in this industry. Laborers, who manually cut stalks of sugarcane in the hot sun, work under conditions that endanger their health and safety.

Inefficient irrigation systems and poorly distributed water sources waste large amounts of valuable water. Pre-harvest burning to remove excess leaves, straw, and the tips of the stalks, cause air pollution in cane-growing areas. Farmers often lack best-practice knowledge, which results in inefficient fertilizer use and soil degradation.

There are an estimated 60 million small-scale sugar growers worldwide, mostly from Asia and to a lesser extent from Africa and Latin America. Too many growers suffer from low yields and high input costs, which leaves them with insufficient incomes and the inability to exit the poverty cycle.

Weather and climate play a key role in sugarcane productivity.  High temperatures and drought cause substantial loss as most small farmers’ systems are not resilient enough to deal with such extreme weather. A rise in crop failures will harm the already fragile livelihoods of these farmers.

Since the beginning, Solidaridad’s role in the Muda Cana programme was essential. It assists with digital solution technologies and learning, giving Orplana a significant competitive advantage within the agribusiness sugarcane supply chain.

Celso Albano de Carvalho, Executive Manager, Orplana, Brazil


Fostering inclusive participation

Sector transformation requires inclusive participation. We bring people from all walks of life to the sugarcane value chain, connect them through dialogues, networks, programmes and platforms to create awareness, renewed passion and commitment around sustainable sugar cane.

Companies form a critical part of creating a sustainable sugarcane industry. They play a vital role in lifting laborers out of poverty and making sure labor rights and environmental well-being are pillars of the industry. We’ve partnered with over 75 mills to help them achieve Bonsucro certification and transform the value chain from grower to consumer.

Our farmer support programmes have allowed us to design, demonstrate and deploy sustainable sugarcane production processes at scale. We support farmers and mills in 19 countries across four continents with training, knowledge building and affordable digitization to facilitate enhanced yields and create better livelihoods.

As an active member of Bonsucro, the better sugarcane initiative, Solidaridad is dedicated to improving the environmental and social impacts of sugarcane production. With Bonsucro we focus on issues such as legal compliance, fair labor practices, responsible expansion, efficient water use and biodiversity conservation.

Recognizing the need for locally adaptable and globally aligned solutions, we’ve integrated smart solutions by creating collaborative multi-stakeholder platforms. We cover issues including water scarcity, climate change, soil health pollution, productivity, profitability and labor.

Through Solidaridad’s sugarcane farming capacity building programmes, I’ve seen huge change in my practices. It’s improved my understanding and enabled me to achieve better yield than before.

Elod Kafaukoma, farmer, Kasinthula Cane Growers Association, Malawi


Firm steps

The MAS-CAÑA pilot concluded and Solidaridad signed a new partnership with Grupo Pantaleón, scaling smallholder productivity efforts in Mexico. PanameriCaña implemented four efficient production of sugarcane certificate courses for technicians in multiple mills. Participants were trained in good agricultural practices, gender inclusion and fair labor practices.

Where we work

Featured Programmes

PanameriCaña — Sustainable Sugarcane Platform

Sugarcane is one of the fastest-growing commodities across Mexico and Central America.  Solidaridad has partnered with the region’s leading sugarcane producers to launch PanAmericaña, a multi-stakeholder platform of sugar mills across Mexico, El Salvador and Honduras to improve production, labor conditions and standards across the industry.

Join us in making sugar truly sustainable.