Solidaridad introduced contract farming among producers and buyers to improve efficiency in the market system and responsible sourcing. Solidaridad also supported the government of Bangladesh in developing the National Action Plan for Pest Free and Safe Mango Production for Domestic Consumption and Export Promotion.
Solidaridad South & South-East Asia in partnership with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bangladesh has started implementing the Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Linkages (SaFaL) programme in the south west of Bangladesh. SaFaL will trigger and facilitate bio and ecosystem-based economic development making farmers better agricultural entrepreneurs. It will support farmers and workers to adopt global sustainability standards and eco-system based agricultural practices in livestock, horticulture and fisheries to improve productivity and quality that will create availability and access to nutritious food for the rapidly growing population in Bangladesh. With the spirit of transition from aid to trade, SaFal envisions sustainable agricultural supply chains contributing to economic, social and environmental gains in the long run. It will have multiple outcomes and impacts which will not only help to improve food and nutrition security, but also contribute to green economic development at household and national levels.
The broader objective of the programme is to ensure food and nutrition security and developing sustainable market linkages to raise productivity, quality and income for smallholder farmers, disadvantaged landless workers and women. The programme will work in rural communities of Bagherhat, Khulna, Jessore, Satkhira and Narial districts in the southwest Bangladesh targeting 250,000 smallholder farmers and landless workers, unable to carve out a decent livelihood from agriculture due to salinity of land, unsustainable agricultural practices and lack of access to markets.
SaFal will be implemented during 2012 – 2016, with the overall objective to enhance food and nutrition security of small farmers and landless workers in Southwest Bangladesh towards developing resilient livelihoods through promoting sustainable agricultural production and market chain development.
Sustainable Market Chain developed contributing to 1) improved supply of agricultural inputsand produces; 2) Increased net benefits derived from improved value chain for all stakeholders (service providers, farmers, traders, processors, exporters);
- The target groups are organized and empowered to promote and/or adopt transparent and efficient governance structure in the agricultural supply chain;
- Efficient farm management adopted for efficient land use leading to increased productivity and access to end market chain;
- Gender-equitable and socially inclusive business relationships between suppliers/buyers and producer groups developed having greater income and employment opportunities for poor men and women;
- Improved awareness on nutrition and balanced diet among the targeted households (particularly women and children)and local stakeholders;
- Government bodies, business entities and relevant stakeholders are engaged in roundtable dialogue for improving food security and food safety, and market supply chain development.
- February 2014 – The Financial Express BD – SaFaL move to improve livihoods of farmers