Archives: News Items
UniSol teaches how conservation can lead to progress
Marks & Spencer visited partner cooperatives in South America’s UniSol project as they set the way forward to achieve a…
09 July 2015
Solidaridad factory shares experiences on sustainability at international CSR forum
Solidaridad's partner Hangzhou Samsung Down Products was invited to the panel discussion at the 12th Sino-European CSR Roundtable Forum held…
26 June 2015
Studies show sustainability improvements with minimal investments
An evaluation of about 250 sustainability improvement measures across 16 textile mills in China indicates that small investments can achieve…
20 June 2015
Good agricultural practices gain traction in Colombia
In May, after in-depth work in understanding and implementing sustainable practices, and thanks to the commitment of the Farmer Support…
Partnerships that matter: Solidaridad Network 2014 Annual Report online
The leaders of leading companies no longer talk about corporate responsibility as a side issue for their CSR departments. Some,…
15 June 2015
Higher productivity creates opportunities for investments
Dutch Ministers Ploumen and Schultz visited DBL today, an exemplary Bengal textile factory that participates in the Bangladesh Water Partnership…
14 June 2015
Ruchi Soya inks deal with Solidaridad to scale up sustainable production in India
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte witnessed the signing of an agreement worth €4.5 million that is intended to reduce India's…
05 June 2015
Let “The True Cost” be a warning to laggards
Tonight, the Solidaridad team watched the new documentary “The True Cost” with much interest. It provided an insider’s look at…
29 May 2015
Exhibition offers intimate look at life of sugarcane cutters
Thousands of sugarcane cutters in Central America are affected by Chronic Kidney Disease (CKDnT). Recent scientific advances indicate that the…
26 May 2015
Powerful players join forces for soy sustainability
The world’s largest importers of soy have now come together to ensure sustainable production practices in the main soy-producing countries…
30 April 2015