Solidaridad at Rio+20 Earth Summit: New support programme helps 800 000 farmers and workers

Solidaridad and Rio+20 

United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD)

To secure a low-emission future, climate smart, farmers need access to viable markets for their produce. Through representation on international commodity roundtables and precision marketing in large consumer regions, Solidaridad links farmers with dedicated brands and retailers to build markets for products sourced from sustainably managed landscapes.

The increasing global demand for food, feed and fuel presents a serious dilemma for the world, but expansion of agricultural area to meet the need for food threatens the last remaining biodiversity- and carbon rich natural landscapes. Major global companies and multinationals have heeded the call, among others, Solidaridad and the Dutch Foreign and Economic Affairs Departments to take responsibility and be part of the solution.

Farmer Support Programme (FSP)

Through a global producer support initiative, called the Farmer Support Programme – Solidaridad initiates public private partnerships to ensure sustainable mainstream agri-supply chains. Its €70 million, new four-year initiative (2012-2015) aims to support 400,000 smallholder farmers and 400,000 workers in an area of about 700,000 hectares. The focus will be on smart and sustainable land use in five of the biggest land-consuming commodities in tropical regions: palm oil, soybeans, sugarcane, cotton and livestock, will be prime projects for the year. Launched in 2011 with several of the largest global food, feed, fuel and textile companies and co-financed by the Dutch government, the programme builds on the work of five international agricultural commodity round tables in stimulating the adoption of sound environmental and social practices.

Solidaridad and UNCSD

Solidardidad, an international network organisation with more than 25 years of experience in creating fair and sustainable supply chains from producer to consumer, looks forward to being part of the discussion and debate on the state of the world and that of smallholder farmers in particular. We believe the UNCSD can serve as a platform for action for all stakeholders, social players and governments who seek solutions to effect a common goal towards a fair economic and environmentally sustainable future for all.

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