Archives: Publications
In 2018 Solidaridad Asia implemented a range of gender-inclusive strategies to positively impact the lives of Asian women.
16 July 2019
Publishing this form (in Dutch) is a requirement to be registered in the Netherlands as a charitable organization
12 July 2019
Two new publications on dairy outline an integrated value-chain approach to create and foster a sustainable, inclusive and resilient dairy…
19 June 2019
Solidaridad and Wageningen University reveal the potential of small cattle ranching to boost sustainability in the Amazon.
18 June 2019
Colombia has multiplied its production and trade of sustainable palm oil between 2014 and 2018, creating great opportunities to gain…
12 June 2019
To build a future-proof coffee sector, we need to include a more inclusive pricing mechanism that values the impact of…
04 June 2019
This publication outlines the long and often challenging path travelled by Solidaridad in the past 50 years towards gender inclusivity.…
27 May 2019
50 years of Solidaridad history has been captured in this publication. 'Old roots, new routes' describes the very early start…
26 May 2019
In recent years, Colombia has made major advances in implementing the Voluntary Sustainability Standards as a means for achieving sustainable…
30 April 2019
This paper presents the story of the evolution of oil palm farming following hurricane Fifi-Orlene which hit Honduras in 1974,…
12 February 2019