Archives: Publications
Ghana Dedicated Grant Mechanism: Voices from the field
This publication echoes the voices of individuals, communities and community-based organizations who share their experiences as beneficiaries of the Ghana…
02 December 2021
Colombia further increases sustainable palm oil production in 2020 and is close to 100% certified exports
The Colombia 2020 Palm Oil Barometer shows Colombia reaching 28% certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO) production in 2020, and contributing…
Advocacy for Change Final Report 2016-2020
With the Advocacy for Change (AfC) programme, implemented in 2016-2020 in strategic partnership with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs,…
Ghana Dedicated Grant Mechanism Environmental and Social Plan
Solidaridad West Africa is the National Executing Agency (NEA) for the Ghana Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Local Communities (G-DGM) project…
18 November 2021
Leveraging partnerships for sustainable mining
The Sustainable Development Goal 17 reiterates the potential of private, public and civil society partnerships to drive mobilization and sharing…
25 October 2021
Next generation cocoa youth programme – our stories of impact
This publication highlights a few of the many anecdotal accounts of beneficiaries of the ‘Next Generation Cocoa Youth Programme’ (MASO)…
Joint paper on Legislating for Impact
In a joint paper, Fair Trade Advocacy Office, Rainforest Alliance and Solidaridad call on the European Commission to ensure that…
18 October 2021
17 October 2021
07 September 2021