Archives: Publications
The 2019 Gender Learning Survey of the Next Generation Cocoa Youth programme (MASO) highlights how women are now actively pursuing…
10 June 2020
Solidaridad Asia is equipping women with the knowledge and skill sets to be able to voice their ideas, opinions, and…
With funding from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Golden Line works for the social and economic empowerment of…
02 June 2020
About 51% of workers in the small-scale gold mining sector in Ghana are women, yet they are disadvantaged and excluded…
19 May 2020
At Solidaridad, we believe that gender inclusivity is key to sustainable development and we work on fostering value chains and…
15 May 2020
The sugarcane industry is one of the biggest employment providers, but the majority of sugar farmers are smallholders and the…
10 April 2020
The Malabo Declaration commitments are a targeted approach to achieve the agricultural vision for the continent. In this piece, we…
06 April 2020
The presence of women in Bolivia's mining has increased significantly in recent years. A large percentage of these women carry…
14 March 2020
Agrifood service providers play a crucial role in the supply chain. They often require investment to maximize their impact on…
31 October 2019
Inclusion of ASGM in formal financial sector is crucial to tackle current malpracties in gold industry
Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) suffers from a dubious reputation among micro-credit financiers, impact investors and the private sector…
21 October 2019