Region: Asia
Blog: Removing Livestock Is Not the Solution
In this blog, Solidaridad’s International Programme Coordinator for livestock, Gert van der Bijl, discusses why livestock management plays a significant…
09 October 2018
Institutes of higher education train Indian farmers on sustainable business
Renowned institutes of education, research and governance in India have joined Solidaridad in providing small farmers with the skills they…
21 September 2018
Indonesian & Indian Palm Oil Industry Join Hands to Promote Sustainable Trade
A new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed which, for the first time, recognizes the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil…
17 July 2018
Solidaridad Helps Launch "Green Villages" in Indonesia
Many countries, including Indonesia, are overwhelmed by increasing levels of plastic. Just last month, the shocking news of a whale…
22 June 2018
1,019 Indian Farmers Complete World's First Sustainable Castor Bean Programme
A total of 1,019 Indian farmers have successfully completed the world’s first sustainable Castor bean programme. This is a result…
01 June 2018
Solidaridad-led “Clean Ganga” Project Recognized as Ideal Indo-Dutch Public Private Partnership Model
Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, the Minister for Water and Infrastructure from Government of the Netherlands, is visiting India as part of…
26 May 2018
Solidaridad Co-launches China Roundtable on Sustainable Livestock
On March 29, 2018 the China Roundtable on Sustainable Livestock was launched in Shijiazhuang City on the margins of the…
26 April 2018
Solidaridad Network Asia Wins JSW-Times of India Earth Care Award
Solidaridad has won the JSW-Times of India Earth Care Award 2018 for its Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security & Linkages (SaFaL)…
18 April 2018
Prime Minister of Bangladesh Presents Award to Lead Female Farmer of Solidaridad's SAFAL Programme
On 1 March, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh presented an award to Shikha Rani Chakravarti, a lead farmer of Solidaridad…
13 April 2018
Building Climate Resilience Among Sugarcane Farmers in India
India is the world’s largest consumer of sugar and the second largest producer after Brazil. However, sugarcane is highly water…
11 April 2018