Region: Central America
Smallholder oil palm production in Honduras: A model for sustainable livelihoods and landscapes
When hurricane Fifi-Orlene hit Honduras in 1974 whole communities were wiped out, as well as an the country's banana crop, leaving…
14 February 2019
This paper presents the story of the evolution of oil palm farming following hurricane Fifi-Orlene which hit Honduras in 1974,…
12 February 2019
In 2018, Solidaridad Central America continued to grow in action and vision. We deepened impact in our anchor commodity programmes…
31 December 2018
26 December 2018
Focus on landscapes takes sustainability to the next level
The Landscape Standard is an emerging tool that measures the environmental, social and economic impact of production on a landscape…
21 December 2018
Responsible Leather: The Need to Connect the Worlds of Beef and Leather
Friday 12 October, Solidaridad had the honour of giving the Opening & Welcome presentation at the First Global Forum on…
23 October 2018
Solidaridad Receives Letter from Saint: “Be a Voice for Those Who Do Not Have a Voice”
Just weeks before his assassination, former Archbishop of San Salvador (El Salvador) Oscar Romero wrote Solidaridad a letter thanking the…
16 October 2018