Region: North America
Solidaridad Annual Report 2018 signals growth throughout the network
Solidaridad exceeded its own targets by supporting more than half a million farmers, miners and workers in 2018. With improved…
25 June 2019
Blog: Four warning signs on the road to systemic change in the soy sector
Solidaridad is participating at the Round Table for Responsible Soy (RTRS) annual summit in the Netherlands during the week of…
11 June 2019
Jeroen Douglas appointed as new executive director of Solidaridad Network
As of May 2019, Solidaridad has a new Executive Director. Jeroen Douglas takes over from Nico Roozen, who has led…
23 May 2019
Highlights from UC Berkeley-Solidaridad workshop on agrifood supply chain innovation
In her blog post, workshop attendee and agrifood professional Krisila Benson shares her top takeaways from the recently held workshop…
23 April 2019
5 Ways to help small sugarcane farmers become more sustainable
Solidaridad and partner organization Orplana provided insights from their newest programme, Muda Cana, to support smallholders on their journey towards…
28 March 2019
Solidaridad releases mid-term review
Solidaridad has released the findings of the mid-term review of its Advocacy for Change and Practice for Change programmes. Alongside…
19 March 2019
Sugar, Water and Women: India’s changing sugarcane industry
India's sugarcane industry relies on more than six million smallholder farmers to produce its sugar. Due to small farm size…
15 March 2019
Solidaridad and UC Berkeley to host annual workshop on supply chain innovation
Solidaridad North America and the University of California, Berkeley will host the fourth annual workshop on Innovation in Agrifood Supply…
21 February 2019
Blog: Soy sustainability requires more than mitigating risks at farm level
In this blog, Solidaridad’s International Programme Coordinator for soy, Alex Ehrenhaus, explores the technical challenges in effective land use monitoring…
22 January 2019
2018 saw Solidaridad begin to emerge from anonymity in North America. We were featured on national television, received a significant…
31 December 2018