Region: South America
Pallaqueras’ assistance platform provides humanitarian aid to women miners in Peru
Almost USD 10,000 has been distributed among 378 peruvian pallaqueras “Pallaqueo” is the only source of income for many women…
19 October 2020
Elections in Bolivia: women miners submit their political agenda to candidates
Women play important roles within artisanal small scale mining (ASM) and in their communities, accounting for at least 30% of…
16 October 2020
Jointly calling on gold industry to include ASM in their supply chains
Urgent need to source from ASM mines In this joint statement, we emphasize that the best opportunity for the gold…
07 October 2020
Heirs and stewards of the Colombian coffee tradition
The town of Mistrató rises between coffee-growing mountains. Hundreds of coffee growers have passed through its roads on the back…
02 October 2020
In the framework of the Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA) 2020 global initiative and the TFA Colombia Zero-Deforestation Public-Private Partnership 2020,…
23 September 2020
Agriculture can help to fight climate change, preserve biodiversity and foster the sustainable use of natural resources.
17 September 2020
Climate balance and health on the planet depend on the Amazon
Growing deforestation in the main tropical forest reserve in the world not only impacts climate change; it also increases the…
04 September 2020
When sustainability becomes a family matter
The Horoszczuk family has undergone many changes since they began to walk a path of continual improvement in 2012, but…
25 August 2020
Join us! Follow our new Latin America LinkedIn page
Michaelyn Baur, Managing Director for Central America, introduces Solidaridad's Spanish-language LinkedIn showcase page, sharing all the latest from Latin America.
20 August 2020
Solidaridad selected for social impact mentorship accelerator
The University of Santa Clara, in the Silicon Valley, selected Solidaridad to participate in its mentoring program focused on initiatives…
14 August 2020