Theme: Gender & Youth
Advocacy for Change Final Report 2016-2020
With the Advocacy for Change (AfC) programme, implemented in 2016-2020 in strategic partnership with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs,…
02 December 2021
CONACAFE partners with Solidaridad in Honduras to implement gender policy
In July, CONACAFE signed an agreement with Solidaridad in Honduras, to jointly monitor the previously approved gender policy’s implementation in…
04 November 2021
Fostering inclusive red meat value chains for women and youth
Solidaridad and partners, ILRI and the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, have the great pleasure of announcing the launch of…
25 October 2021
Leveraging partnerships for sustainable mining
The Sustainable Development Goal 17 reiterates the potential of private, public and civil society partnerships to drive mobilization and sharing…
How a women-made coffee is conquering global retail chains and coffees shops
On International Rural Women Day, we share the story behind “Mujeres Cafeteras” (Women Coffee Growers), a unique coffee sold by…
15 October 2021
Providing lifelines for local communities through solar-powered boreholes
Through the Ghana Dedicated Grant Mechanism project, with funding from the World Bank, Solidaridad has supported 37 communities with solar-powered…
13 October 2021
How women dairy farmers are taking charge with digital solutions
Launched in 2020, the USAID-funded ‘Digital Inclusion and Empowerment for Women Dairy Farmers in Bangladesh’ project is showing promising signs…
30 September 2021
Improved livelihoods among livestock farming women and youth in Itebe, Zambia
Solidaridad and Grassroots Trust partnered to empower women livestock farmers with skills diversification through the Nambola project. With a focus…
29 September 2021
On farm diversification: fostering sustainable livelihoods for women in coffee in Uganda
Although gender gaps persist across agricultural value chains, notable gains continue to be realized. Solidaridad, through the Practice for Change…
15 September 2021
Analysis of gender equity in the cocoa sector in Colombia
This study seeks to identify gender-inclusive practices in the Colombian cocoa sector in order to provide information that contributes to…
06 August 2021