Theme: Supportive Business Ecosystems
Annual Report 2022 Out Now
Amidst increasing polarization and a fragmenting world, we continue to see progress and the impact of Solidaridad’s work in making…
12 May 2023
Decent work: Solidaridad’s track record and expertise
From Fair Trade to the global RECLAIM Sustainability! programme, Solidaridad has a strong track record of promoting decent work across…
01 May 2023
Meet Bibek
Bibek Sen is a small-scale farmer with a 1.6 acre tea garden he inherited from his father in Maynaguri taluka…
Sarawak Smallholders from Malaysia Bring Certified Palm Oil to the Indian Market
In a win for sustainable palm oil, Sarawak palm oil stakeholders from Malaysia and The Solvent Extractors’ Association (SEA) of…
21 April 2023
Price in global commodity value chains
What is the price of sustainability? And who should take up paying the price of fostering sustainable and inclusive global…
30 March 2023
Striving for a sustainable and gender-inclusive garment sector in Ethiopia with Bottom Up!
As the Bottom Up! programme nears its end, we reflect on what we've achieved and our lessons learnt. Since its…
09 March 2023
Bottom UP! is designed to help Ethiopian factories improve their environmental and ethical standards by developing sustainable and equitable production…
12 January 2023
Supply chains can’t ignore 150 million small farmers, India needs a fair farm data standard
According to the European Commission, the value of the EU data economy is projected to grow to 829 billion Euros…
06 January 2023
Amidst increasing polarization and a fragmenting world, we continue to see progress and the impact of Solidaridad’s work in making…
31 December 2022
Sustainability is a prerequisite for the future of the food industry and must become an integral part of any business…
14 December 2022