Archives: Stories
A pathway to promote regional sustainability and trade in palm oil
Palm oil is the most consumed oil in the world, and production is only increasing across Asia. In 2016, Solidaridad…
28 April 2021
Building cocoa farmers’ capacities strengthens family income
Solidaridad builds smallholder cocoa farmers’ capacities, so they can take full advantage of landscapes and increase their incomes.
Working directly with stakeholders drives sector transformation in palm oil
Through the Mesoamerican Palm Oil Alliance, MAPA, Solidaridad gathers more than 55,000 stakeholders along the entire palm oil supply chain…
Leveraging tech to drive transformation in the sugarcane supply chain
Through the PanameriCaña multi-stakeholder platform, Solidaridad uses experience exchanges, international conferences and other methods to engage key leaders, sugar mill…
Arvind Kumar: Reaping the Harvest of Sustainability
Arvind Kumar, a sugarcane farmer in Uttar Pradesh, India, achieved record sugarcane yield by adopting sustainable practices and farm mechanization.
12 March 2021
Meet Protiva
The vast majority of dairy farmers in Bangladesh are women. However they are often excluded from opportunities to increase their…
05 February 2021
Meet Catalina
Of the nearly 6,000 producers integrated into the palm oil sector of Colombia, around 80% maintain small plots for cultivation.…
Santos’ story
When farms thrive, smallholder producers contribute to growth in their communities. Santos Flores Reyes is one example of how people…
18 January 2021
Mawuse’s Story
Growing up in the Volta Region of Ghana, Mawuse Hotor knew firsthand the challenges of cocoa farming. After participating in…
13 January 2021
How investing in gender equality impacts communities: Josina’s Story
Josina Nikwaniya (36 years) began growing soy in 2018 as part of Solidaridad’s Southern Africa Towards Soy Bean Import Substitution…
08 January 2021