Food Systems

A food systems approach responds to the global challenge of feeding the growing urban population with sustainably produced safe food products while taking into account limitations on farm level with respect to natural resources and climate change. The transition to sustainable food systems represents an economic opportunity for everyone along the supply chain and provides healthier more sustainable outcomes for all. Read the latest news and stories below.
Redefining cocoa farming, improving livelihoods through crop diversification in Ghana Read featured story

Latest News

Harvesting Potatoes and Newfound Success in Mozambique

Harvesting Potatoes and Newfound Success in Mozambique

New Garden Campaign to Feed Ghana Cities

New Garden Campaign to Feed Ghana Cities

Leveraging agriculture to create sustainable employment

Leveraging agriculture to create sustainable employment

In a new video series Kenyan farmers highlight the challenges they face

In a new video series Kenyan farmers highlight the challenges they face

Improving food security, chasing out hunger in Sierra Leone

Improving food security, chasing out hunger in Sierra Leone

Bringing climate-smart farming to India’s Odisha state

Bringing climate-smart farming to India’s Odisha state

Putting youth employment and entrepreneurship at the centre of agri-sector development

Putting youth employment and entrepreneurship at the centre of agri-sector development

PlusPlus strengthening business relations in Central America

PlusPlus strengthening business relations in Central America

Multiple benefits of food systems transformation

Multiple benefits of food systems transformation

Featured Producer Stories

In Indonesia, indigenous Dayaks reclaim their right to food and forests

In Indonesia, the Dayak people are using agroforestry to preserve ecosystems and maintain biodiversity. Their efforts in Ensaid Panjang village have led to increased incomes and a renewed appreciation for the value of sustainable forests. The development of hand-woven art and plans for ecotourism within the Tawang Serimbak forest have brought new opportunities to the Dayak community.

African cooperative thrives as a citrus producer

A South African citrus cooperative has defied the odds to grow from supplying local markets to exporting lemons, mandarins, and oranges around the world. Their success lies in a commitment to quality, investment in training, and an embrace of new technology. The cooperative is a powerful example of how innovation can transform the agricultural sector.

Redefining cocoa farming, improving livelihoods through crop diversification in Ghana

Crop diversification through Solidaridad’s Cocoa Life programme is helping Ghanaian cocoa farmers, like Kwaku Atta, improve incomes and local livelihoods. His community has embraced crops, like the humble sweet potato, sparking a growing interest in the practical benefits of innovative agricultural solutions that meet real-world needs. The programme has also created new opportunities for women while providing new resources for childhood education.


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